Discover the Simple Truth to nurture our next generation

“It’s In Your Hands, What Will You do”

Simple Truths - Being Prepared

A Practical Guide for Preconception

Being Prepared for Preconception is often not in our

consciousness, so this book is designed to bring your

thinking around to see how you create your own life,

mostly subconsciously.

It gives you the space to see what is possible and why

it is beneficial to explore your own beliefs and get to

know your own self intimately before creating another

human being.

What contribution will you make to herald in

the children of tomorrow?

In this simple book you will learn: 

  • Why myths and stories are just that

  • That you already have what you need

  • What creates reality and who is in charge

  • 5 key elements to create a peaceful mind

  • Who to listen to, what to look out for

  • 5 golden rules to superb vitality

  • When the impossible is possible…


  1. Worksheets
  2. Meditations/Videos
  3. A 20 minute FREE energy call 
  4. Consultations
  5. Programs

Yours in health and happiness
Sandy B
Naturopathic Nutrition | Biological Medicine | Natural Success

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Talk to Sandy online now

About the Author

Sandy B Simmons IBCLC

Naturopathic Nutrition | Biological Medicine | Natural Success 

With a burning inner drive to make a difference, there is no turning back. Sandy has a big vision and gets up every morning to change the way the world views health! 

Sandy has worked with Mums, Dads, babies and families for over 30 years. With her own life experiences, clinical practice and many studies, she has a plethora of practical knowledge, to provide you with the best solutions for you and your family.

Do you ever stop to think about what life on planet earth is all about, how it is designed, why it manifests the way it does and what it means to be a human being?

Do you ever wonder about your own replication and the reproduction of the next generation?

"For much of my life I have been an observer, witnessing over and over again, an endless repetition of themes passed down the human tree. Branches that loom over each human head, clouding thoughts and feelings, crowding the space within, causing confusion in knowing the self and appearing to sabotage glorious health and a heaven-sent human life."

A special thank you...

By purchasing this recipe pack, you've also given 27 children access to clean life-saving water around the globe. Clean water is one of the most essential ingredients in the recovery process of our food chain.